
Videos From WIPE2016 For Our Revision

It has been a year since WIPE2016 gathered us, teachers and educationists to discuss about Islamic education with specific emphasis on pedagogy. We pray to Allah that all the good things we bring with from the program contributed to betterment in your individual and organisational practices. Here we share with you some video clips from the program for your revision. Comments, questions, feedbacks, sharing thoughts, stories, are all warmly welcome.

Hasrizal Abdul Jamil
Oulu, Finland


WIPE 2016 Feedback Form


Alhamdulillah, WIPE 2016 has come to its end. May Allah bless us all. Thank you for the excellent participation, attentiveness and contribution to the discussion. Kindly fill the feedback form we provide here, for further improvement. See you on CANVAS, Inshaallah.

WIPE 2016 Team.

Click below to see the form:

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WIPE 2016


Workshop on Islamic Pedagogy



WIPE is a teacher training program aimed for teachers and those who practise education to evaluate their current practise based on Islamic framework. The Quran, the tradition of the Prophet PBUH and the practice of education in the early age of Islam will be revisited to revive the unspoken curriculum and pedagogy into current needs.

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